Use AWS jsii to cross language invoker
You can generate Python, Java, and .NET software libraries from a TypeScript source use jsii of AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).
Initialization the project constructure
1pnpm init -y
2pnpm install --development jsii jsii-pacmak
The package.json
like following this
2 "name": "jsii-demo",
3 "version": "1.0.0",
4 "description": "A demonstration jsii library",
5 "main": "index.js",
6 "scripts": {
7 "build": "jsii",
8 "build:watch": "jsii --watch",
9 "package": "jsii-pacmak"
10 },
11 "keywords": [],
12 "author": {
13 "name": "John Doe",
14 "email": "[email protected]"
15 },
16 "repository": {
17 "url": ""
18 },
19 "license": "ISC",
20 "stability": "stable",
21 "types": "index.d.ts",
22 "jsii": {
23 "outdir": "dist",
24 "versionFormat": "full",
25 "targets": {
26 "java": {
27 "package": "",
28 "maven": {
29 "groupId": "",
30 "artifactId": "jsii-code-samples"
31 }
32 },
33 "python": {
34 "distName": "aws-jsiisamples.jsii-code-samples",
35 "module": "aws_jsiisamples.jsii_code_samples"
36 },
37 "dotnet": {
38 "namespace": "AWSSamples.Jsii",
39 "packageId": "AWSSamples.Jsii",
40 "iconUrl": ""
41 },
42 "go": {
43 "moduleName": "",
44 "packageName": "hello",
45 "versionSuffix": "-devprefix"
46 }
47 }
48 },
49 "devDependencies": {
50 "jsii": "^5.3.7",
51 "jsii-pacmak": "^1.94.0"
52 }
Write the HelloWorld typescript code to index.ts
1export class HelloWorld {
2 public sayHello(name: string) {
3 return `Hello, ${name}`;
4 }
6 public fibonacci(num: number) {
7 let array = [0, 1];
8 for (let i = 2; i < num + 1; i++) {
9 array.push(array[i - 2] + array[i - 1]);
10 }
11 return array[num];
12 }
The execute build
1pnpm run build
2# then package to dist folder
3pnpm run package
4# copy the python whl file to other project and install it
5pip install aws_jsiisamples.jsii_code_samples-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall
Invoker the javascript code in python
1from aws_jsiisamples.jsii_code_samples import HelloWorld
5if __name__ == "__main__":
6 g = HelloWorld()
7 print(g.say_hello('Tom'))