Setup the jenkins agent in kubernetes cluster use pods

Basic settings

  • Add Global credentials the Secret is kubernetes login token
  • Add new cloud configure in Manage Jenkins –> Clouds
  • Config the Kubernetes Clouds websocket connection, use internal jenkins URL, specific the Pod Labels, Pod Retention: On Failure, Max connections, Seconds to wait for pod
  • Add Pod template settings
    • Specific Namespace, Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node
    • Container Template:
      • jnlp: jenkins/inbound-agent:latest,
      • Working directory: /home/jenkins/agent
      • Command to run: /usr/local/bin/jenkins-agent
    • You can specific Volumes to mount cache etc. NPM, Maven, Nuget, PIP
    • You can config more for pod template, merge the raw yaml to tolerations
       1 apiVersion: v1
       2 kind: Pod
       3 spec:
       4 affinity: 
       5     priorityClassName: normal
       6     nodeAffinity:    
       7         requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
       8         nodeSelectorTerms:
       9         - matchExpressions:                    
      10             - key: node-group
      11             operator: In
      12             values:
      13             - spotInstances
      14 tolerations:
      15 - key: "devops"
      16     operator: "Equal"
      17     value: "cicd"
      18     effect: "NoSchedule"

Write the pipeline use podtemplate

 1node("podTemplateName") {
 3    def rawData = "${params.DATA}"
 4    def mapData = readJSON text: rawData
 5    def AutoDeployRepoMap = [
 6        "https://local.test.git": "xxxxxxxx"
 7    ]
 9    container("podContainerName") {
10        withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'task-token', variable: 'TOKEN')]) {
11            def git_url = mapData['project']['git_http_url']
12            if(AutoDeployRepoMap.containsKey(git_url)) {
13                deployId = AutoDeployRepoMap["${git_url}"]                    
14                response = sh(script: "curl -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}\"${deployId}/deploy?branch=${tag}", returnStdout: true)   
15                echo "response: ${response}"
16            }
17        }
18    }

Or inherit podtemplate to change the configure

 1def CONTAINERS = [
 2    containerTemplate(args: '', command: 'sh', image: "${params.SONAR_SCAN_BASE_IMAGE}", livenessProbe: containerLivenessProbe(execArgs: '', failureThreshold: 0, initialDelaySeconds: 0, periodSeconds: 0, successThreshold: 0, timeoutSeconds: 0), name: 'sonarscan', resourceLimitCpu: '2000m', resourceLimitEphemeralStorage: '', resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi', resourceRequestCpu: '500m', resourceRequestEphemeralStorage: '', resourceRequestMemory: '500Mi', ttyEnabled: true, workingDir: '/home/jenkins/agent')
 6if(params.CODE_LANGUAGE == 'java' && params.LANGUAGE_VERSION == '8') {
 7    CONTAINERS << containerTemplate(args: '', command: 'sh', image: "", livenessProbe: containerLivenessProbe(execArgs: '', failureThreshold: 0, initialDelaySeconds: 0, periodSeconds: 0, successThreshold: 0, timeoutSeconds: 0), name: 'compile', resourceLimitCpu: '2000m', resourceLimitEphemeralStorage: '', resourceLimitMemory: '4Gi', resourceRequestCpu: '500m', resourceRequestEphemeralStorage: '', resourceRequestMemory: '500Mi', ttyEnabled: true, workingDir: '/home/jenkins/agent')
10podTemplate(cloud: 'k8s-cluster', containers: CONTAINERS, inheritFrom: 'podTemplateName', label: "${params.PROJECT_NAME}", name: "${params.PROJECT_NAME}", namespace: 'cicd') {
12    def buildResult = 'Success'
13    node("${params.PROJECT_NAME}") {
14        try{
15            stage "Pull source code from ${params.PROJECT_NAME}"
16            dir("source_code") {
17                git branch: "${params.BRANCH_NAME}", url: "${params.REPO_URL}", credentialsId: "git_token"
18                GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL = sh (
19                        script: 'git --no-pager show -s --format=\'%ae\'',
20                        returnStdout: true
21                ).trim().replaceAll(/@.*/, "")
22                echo "=====>${GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL}<======="
23                sh "ls -alh"
24            }
25        }catch(Exception e) {
26            buildResult = "Failed"
27        }finally{
28            echo 'finally'
29        }
30    }
