Install and setup cloud foundry in kubernetes cluster

First prepare the tools installation in host:

The Kind must definiation config.yml, refer to expose http(80) and https(443) ports to host machine, because the k8s cluster node ip is internal-ip created by Kind such as:

 1kind: Cluster
 4  # WARNING: It is _strongly_ recommended that you keep this the default
 5  # ( for security reasons. However it is possible to change this.
 6  apiServerAddress: "Host external ip"
 7  # This can connect to k8s from external when install kind in virtual host or cloud platform(ec2 of aws)
 8  # By default the API server listens on a random open port.
 9  # You may choose a specific port but probably don't need to in most cases.
10  # Using a random port makes it easier to spin up multiple clusters.
11  apiServerPort: 6443
13- role: control-plane
14  # port forward 80 on the host to 80 on this node
15  extraPortMappings:
16  - containerPort: 80
17    hostPort: 80
18    # optional: set the bind address on the host
19    # is the current default
20    listenAddress: ""
21    # optional: set the protocol to one of TCP, UDP, SCTP.
22    # TCP is the default
23    protocol: TCP
24  - containerPort: 443
25    hostPort: 443
26    listenAddress: ""
27    protocol: TCP

execute command create cluster: kind create cluster --name kubecf --config kind.yaml

In order to tutorial. setup environment. But need to change something configuration and verstion. Use newest version for cf-operator and kubecf, through this repo url view release detail:

The helm install look likes following:

 1  helm install cf-operator \
 2     --namespace cfo \
 3     --set "" \
 6  helm install kubecf \
 7     --namespace kubecf \
 8     --set "" \
 9     --set "features.eirini.enabled=true" \
10     --set "features.ingress.enabled=true" \

Add the nginx ingress component

1helm repo add ingress-nginx
3helm install  ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
4--namespace ingress \
5--set "tcp.2222=kubecf/scheduler:2222"

Change All type is loadbalance in k8s service configuration add yaml section like following:

1    externalIPs:
2      -

The node_ip can get through:

1  kubectl get node kubecf-control-plane \
2  --output jsonpath='{ .status.addresses[?(@.type == "InternalIP")].address }'

Then change ingress controller service config.

Cancel tls config: remove tls section in ingress service The backend servicePort change to : 80

  • Resolves a list of domain names to Host external ip. such as: {api|login|uaa|credhub} and other domain name can view: when kubecf is launched

Test cf login: cf login --skip-ssl-validation -a -u admin