How to profile the golang program

For checkout the resources usage in golang, this is simple

Add the profile code in app

 1// Add the flag to arguments to cpu and memory ptoto buffer file store to it
 2	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("cpuprofile", "", "", "cpu profile file")
 3	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("memprofile", "", "", "memory profile file")
 4// whether enable profile 
 5func enableProfile() {
 6	cpu, _ := rootCmd.Flags().GetString("cpuprofile")
 7	mem, _ := rootCmd.Flags().GetString("memprofile")
 8	if cpu != "" {
 9		f, err := os.Create(cpu)
10		if err != nil {
11			log.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create CPU profile: %v", err)
12		}
13		if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
14			log.Fatal().Msgf("Could not start CPU profile: %v", err)
15		}
16	}
17	if mem != "" {
18		f, err := os.Create(mem)
19		if err != nil {
20			log.Fatal().Msgf("Could not create Memory profile: %v", err)
21		}
22		runtime.GC()
23		if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
24			log.Fatal().Msgf("Could not write memory profile: %v", err)
25		}
26		f.Close()
27	}

Use the Signal to generate the profile

 1// registe the signal 
 2    exitApp := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
 3	signal.Notify(exitApp, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGUSR1)
 4    go listenForInterrupt(exitApp)
 6    func listenForInterrupt(exitApp chan os.Signal) {
 7        switch sig := <-exitApp; sig {
 8        case os.Interrupt:
 9            log.Fatal().Msg("Interrupt signal received. Exiting...")
10        case syscall.SIGUSR1:
11            pprof.StopCPUProfile() //when receive the SIGUSR1 signal to generate the profile
12            log.Warn().Msg("Stop the cpu profile")
13        default:
14            log.Fatal().Msgf("Unexpected signal %v received. Exiting...", sig)
15        }
16        cmd.HttpServer.Shutdown(context.TODO())
17    }

Copy the pprof file to local and analysis use go tool pprof

1# send the signal to terminate to profile 
2kill -USR1 xxxxx
3# copy pprof from pod container to local
4kubectl  cp namespace/pod-xxxxx-name:/tmp/  ./cpu.pprof
5# launch the analysis tool view in browser
6go tool pprof  -http=":8080"  cpu.pprof

Use trace to view goroutines

1import "runtime/trace"
3// Start tracing.
4f, _ := os.Create("trace.out")
6defer trace.Stop()
8// open the browser to view 
9// go tool trace trace.out
